A group of my friends have come up with what was originally known as the Classic Film Club. Upon its official christening, the name was expanded to the Classic Film Appreciation and Rinsing Society.
It entails a film to be selected. Criteria for the films are that they are classics - preferably pre-2000 - that everyone should see but probably hasn't. For example, the first film we watched was Casablanca.
The "President" - a friend of mine who is gifted at writing extremely amusing emails - sends out an email stating the film, time and place, and whoever wants to come, just turns up.
After the film, those present vote on ten categories (including let-down factor, scriptwriting and impact), plus an overall vote, which is recorded in the official minutes. Then we generally all make fun of oursevles and how gimpy we are. Hence the unofficial name of this ramshackle film club: Gimp Soc. So don't get the wrong idea: there are no leather masks or chains, just pizza, an old film and lots of banter.

Last night my husband and I hosted the screening of Heat (1995), directed by Michael Mann. I saw it once, ages ago, but didn't remember it at all, and I really enjoyed it. It's quite long, but that helps build up the tension. It scored well, but didn't beat Leon, our all-time highest scorer.
Next up is West Side Story.
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